Teaching life skills is a valuable way to equip young people with the tools they need to make informed decisions for their lives. This was especially true during the recent Life Skills class hosted by Union Baptist Church of Swissvale. Over the course of several weeks, the youth in attendance were taught important lessons about life, relationships, and managing their sexuality.
The Benefits of Life Skills Classes
Life skills classes are an invaluable resource for youth who might not have access to this type of education otherwise. It allows young people to become more aware of their own actions and how those actions will shape their future. It also encourages them to think critically about their decisions and develop healthy strategies for facing difficult situations.
The class at Union Baptist Church was held over several weeks and focused on five main topics: Relationships & Social Interaction; Conflict Resolution; Decision-Making Process; Self-Esteem & Stress Management; and Managing My Sexuality. During the final week, guest speakers came in to talk with the youth about their paths at that age and provide valuable insight into what lies ahead as they enter adulthood. Two ministers from the church even shared personal stories about their own lives as well as advice for making informed decisions.
Outside Resources
In addition to what was taught in class, resources were provided for students and their families outside of the classroom setting. These included information on local organizations and programs that could help with counseling services, job placement, housing assistance, financial literacy training, legal aid, and more. By offering these resources alongside the learning materials in class, students were able to gain a better understanding of how all these pieces fit together in order to live healthy and productive lives both now and in years to come.
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